Bringing Optimism Into Your Organization
Being your fully aware self in the workplace is not emotional transparency. It is a maturely developed sense of your deeper values expressed in your communication with others. It is an awareness of...
View ArticleThree Ways to Keep Your Cool Under Stress
To the extent that you can control or regulate the negative emotions that arise throughout your workday, you can function more effectively and maintain better health by decreasing your level of stress....
View ArticleFour Keys to Creating Your Own “Luck”
When you are not paralyzed by fear of anxiety, but rather focusing on it in a mindful, detached manner, you’re much more likely to be able to reframe from threatening situations. Mindful awareness is...
View ArticleUnlearning Learned Helplessness
The opposite of being plugged into your relationship eco-system can be characterized as learned helplessness. That’s what happens when an individual experiences a string of failures and takes from...
View ArticleThree Steps to Building an Optimistic Personality
Optimism can begin at the top-it certainly has the greatest capacity to influence from that position. The optimist sees what is and then adds to what can be done to achieve the most, within the values...
View ArticleLearned Optimism or Learned Pessimism? It’s Your Choice!
Pessimists may indeed feel more anxious about social acceptance. They may feel more anxious about many things not going well, big and small. Psychologists have a term for such individuals when they...
View ArticleThinking as an Optimist
There has been much research done on learned optimism that uncovers the fact that there are three dimensions of an event that make us feel good or bad about our involvement: our degree of personal...
View ArticleHow to Kill the Pessimistic Dragon
Is there a danger that the optimist overlooks the harsher aspects of reality in order to stay optimistic? Only under the most dire of circumstances, as we’ve seen. Otherwise, the optimist realizes what...
View ArticleApplying Adaptive Innovation to Your Revenue Growth
There are three fundamental components of revenue growth: The Gradient or slope of growth; The Torque or speed of growth; and The Fuel Efficiency or Profitability of growth. As you can imagine, there...
View ArticleThree Attributes of Organizational Growth – Are you fueling or hindering growth?
As we enter into fourth quarter and begin planning for next year, some companies will try and cut their way to growth by reducing expenses, staff and overall resources as much as possible. This is...
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